Saturday, 26 December 2015

What Is Your Vision For Your Life?


"Create The Highest, Grandest Vision Possible For Your Life, Because You Become What You Believe" - Oprah Winfrey

The above quote was my Facebook status some weeks ago. I only share those quotes on my Facebook wall that I truly and deeply resonate with.

Oprah Winfrey is someone who I admire and idolize. To me, she is the epitome of success, grace and generosity. Those readers who are aware of her early background and growing-up years would know that Oprah had to overcome a myriad of challenges and barriers in her life to reach where she is today. She is not only America’s most loved woman but also an inspiration to many people across the world.

Oprah had a grand vision for her life. Even though she didn’t come from wealth and didn’t have the most stable upbringing, she believed in her vision for herself, with faith and conviction.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

It’s All About Loving Your Parents


Some of you may have noticed that there were no posts on this blog during the months of June and July. As most of our readers are aware, I have recently relocated to a new country. Moving to a new place, whilst exciting and adventurous, is also quite unnerving and mentally taxing at times.

I started my house hunt here towards the end of April and by May was able to find a nice little home for myself. The only problem was – mortgage! I never realized how challenging it could be for a new immigrant, with almost zero credit history to get a decent mortgage. Fortunately enough, I was able to secure a mortgage and have happily moved into my new home.

I love my new place – not only do I feel proud of everything little thing in the house I own, I feel extremely blessed to not just have a good job but now a home, all within 5 months of moving to this country.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Whose Day Are You Going to Brighten Today?


“Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody”

We witness and experience immense beauty around us everyday - beautiful people, beautiful landscape, beautiful gestures, beautiful words, beautiful pictures. While expressing appreciation or paying someone a compliment comes naturally to some of us, certain people find it hard to do so – may be because they are shy, reserved, indifferent or envious.

Sunday, 2 August 2015



Seriously, what the f@$%? I mean, when and how did this word become such an integral part of today’s lingua franca? Doesn’t matter whether you are an Indian, a Russian, an Italian, French or a Spaniard, chances are you know this word. Perhaps what may have mass-popularized this word is the fact that more and more people (courtesy the Internet) now have access to uncensored versions of American TV shows & movies (where use of this word is rampant). And don’t most of us feel (or rather choose to feel) that ’The American way is the coolest way’ (*eye-rolling*)!

Sunday, 24 May 2015

J.O.B. – Just On Board


I have recently made a bold and daring move in life in order to better my career prospects. In my home country, I was pretty much “stuck” professionally. While most other aspects of my life were moving along well there (lovely home, doting family, annoying yet adorable brother, awesome friends and by & large a comfortable existence), I was pretty dissatisfied with how my career was shaping up. This was primarily due to some overtly emotional and not well thought-out decisions I had taken a couple of years ago. Had I been patient and perseverant, my work could have catapulted me to great heights, because I had a lot of things working in my favor. However, I take full responsibility for my actions.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Being Childish Vs Being Child-Like


The idea behind my post today stems from the following quote by acclaimed author Paulo Coelho:

A child can teach us three things: 1) To be happy for no reason 2) To always be curious 3) To fight tirelessly for something

Most of us have fond memories associated with our childhood. I, for sure, happily reminisce about my growing up years. While I have come a long way in life since then (I live in a bigger house now, have more money at my disposal, a better lifestyle, own a car, etc), at times I can’t help but feel how much simpler life would have been if only I could have retained my childhood innocence and credulity.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

To Dadaji with Love


Losing a loved one is an emotionally tormenting experience. Every individual has his or her own way of dealing with this loss. Some choose to stay aloof; some prefer to talk about their feelings; while some others simply put on a brave front just for the sake of family and friends. My family and me are currently dealing with the sudden demise of my grandfather. This blog post is a eulogy to the most inspirational, stoic and commendable man I have ever known.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Fortune Favors The Brave


Some of you may have read or heard about the book ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ (the book was also made into a Hollywood motion picture starring Julia Roberts). For those of you who haven’t read the book, it is a personal memoir of Elizabeth Gilbert, who embarked on a journey of self-discovery and travelled to Italy (eat), India (pray) and Indonesia (love). The book chronicles her experiences in each of the three countries and how this journey eventually leads her to finding true happiness and peace.

People at times reach at a crossroad in their lives and do not know where to go or which path to take. A seemingly ‘balanced’ and ‘normal’ life at times just falls apart giving way to misgivings, confusion, doubts and fear.

Thursday, 22 January 2015


Dear Readers – BY NEHA

Today I am extremely pleased to introduce our first guest blogger, my dear friend, Shashi. Yaay!!!

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Projected Strong Could be Innately Weak

Here’s wishing all our readers a very very happy 2015!

The busyness of the holiday season kept us away from the blog last month. We sincerely hope this won’t happen again.

So without much ado, here is 2015’s first blog post BY PRIYANKA:

Remember all those faces you may have written off as EGOISTIC, STUBBORN, SELF-CENTERED, RUDE, DIFFICULT or INACCESSIBLE! Ever wondered how these people actually are in their personal lives, say, with their family or friends (that is if they have any)?