“Be somebody who makes everybody feel
like a somebody”
We witness and experience immense beauty around us
everyday - beautiful people, beautiful landscape, beautiful gestures, beautiful
words, beautiful pictures. While expressing appreciation or paying someone a
compliment comes naturally to some of us, certain people find it hard to do so
– may be because they are shy, reserved, indifferent or envious.
In one of my earlier blog posts ‘Let Go Of Fear and Do What You Love’, I had written, “It is true that we all live in a society
comprising of several people. As part of a society, we are all inter-dependent
on one another in some way or the other that benefits each one of us. No one
wants to live alone, isolated from the rest, forever.” Our interactions
with other people (family, friends,
coworkers, acquaintances and strangers) are what make life so utterly
wonderful. Think of all the myriad times
you felt truly happy and blessed. I bet it involved other people – perhaps it
was a celebration of some kind, a heart-to-heart chat with someone, holding the
hand of someone special, receiving a warm hug, leaning on someone’s shoulder or
being congratulated by friends & family for an achievement.
Our associations and interface with others is what
inspires us most. Given how significant an impact other people have on our
lives, isn’t it worthwhile to appreciate them. Mind you, the appreciation I am
talking about here is the genuine kind, one that you actually mean and feel.
How great it feels when someone compliments us or
appreciates us for a job well done. Think of the exhilarating rush you felt
when you were applauded for something or received recognition and praise from
your co-workers.
When I see something nice, I say so. No matter what
it may be, if it captures my attention in a pleasant way, even for a wee bit, I
consider it worthwhile to express my appreciation for it. Just the other day, I
was waiting at the cash counter of a store with my friend. The lady attending to
us had a charming smile. Had I seen an even more charming smile before? Of
course! Did that make her smile not worth appreciating? Of course not! As a
matter of fact, the person she attended to just before me had given her a tough
time. So when I complimented her on her smile, she was pleasantly taken aback
and her mood uplifted right away.
All of us have the ability to make every person we
meet feel special, but how many of us actually take advantage of that ability?
If what goes around does indeed come around, then by
appreciating others you’re actually sending out positivity that will all come
back to you some day.
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