Thursday 16 April 2015

Being Childish Vs Being Child-Like


The idea behind my post today stems from the following quote by acclaimed author Paulo Coelho:

A child can teach us three things: 1) To be happy for no reason 2) To always be curious 3) To fight tirelessly for something

Most of us have fond memories associated with our childhood. I, for sure, happily reminisce about my growing up years. While I have come a long way in life since then (I live in a bigger house now, have more money at my disposal, a better lifestyle, own a car, etc), at times I can’t help but feel how much simpler life would have been if only I could have retained my childhood innocence and credulity.

Myriad experiences over the years have made me doubtful and skeptical of people and their intentions. At times, the experiences that have colored the way I view society and the world in general aren’t my own, but of my family members and close friends. The incessant media coverage on the unpleasant happenings across the globe further exacerbates the doubt and skepticism in me.

Remember the times when our teacher’s words were nothing but the gospel truth to us. How easy it was to not only forgive but also forget if someone did or said anything not so nice to us. I do not even recall comparing the way I was (personally, financially, socially or intellectually) with someone else. I was happy and satisfied with what I had.

In spite of all the umpteen ways that adulthood has changed me, I still retain the playfulness of my childhood. I enjoy making and laughing at inane jokes and silly one-liners. My laughter at times is uncontrollable and interspersed with a weird squeaky sound. I distinctly remember, a senior colleague of Priyanka and mine once told her that Neha is a little childlike and should work on becoming a tad more mature! Priyanka jumped at my defense and responded that adulthood should not correspond with being staid and serious, rather every adult should be a little childlike, as it helps take the edge off one’s daily problems.

I reckon what our ex-colleague got muddled with was the difference between being childish and childlike. An adult who behaves in a juvenile, silly and puerile manner, that not only doesn’t make much sense to most people, but also irks others, is being ‘childish’. Being ‘childlike’ on the other hand, is being pure, playful, innocent, simple and devoid of pretentiousness in our thinking and behavior, just like most children are.

I have no reservations in admitting that I am quite childlike in various matters. I am neither irresponsible nor frivolous; yet, at times I can be quite outlandishly funny and whacky. I also try and keep my spirits up by being positively excited (on most occasions…I am not swell all the time!) about my future (including my birthday, which BTW, is just around the corner) rather than fearing how it may turn out to be.

We have all been through tough and trying circumstances in life but that shouldn’t make us jaded. Laugh wholeheartedly, happily jump when you receive great news, walk with a spring in your step when you are in a good mood and joyously scream when something unexpectedly wonderful happens to you. In short, nurture the child within you and experience the effortless joy it brings forth. 

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